
Mastering the art of posing the right prompts for creating compelling LinkedIn posts using ChatGPT

Mastering the art of posing the right prompts for creating compelling LinkedIn posts using ChatGPT

Have you ever pondered why posts on platforms like LinkedIn or X often come across as so distinctly “ChatGPTish”? They seem to utilize the same set of vocabularies, appearing flat and lacking in tonality or depth. With more than a year having passed since the launch of Generative AI tools like ChatGPT or Gemini (Bard), these tools have seen extensive use. However, do you find it frustrating at times when your AI tools fail to deliver the desired outcomes? The crux of this issue often lies in the prompts we provide to these AI tools. We’ve all heard the saying “garbage in, garbage out,” and the same principle applies here.

While some may believe that AI tools are so advanced they can understand our minds and needs perfectly, the reality is that they still require our guidance to produce the desired results. Whether you’re using text-to-text or text-to-image AI tools like ChatGPT, Google Bard, OpenAI’s DALL-E 2, or Stable Diffusion, mastering the art of posing the right questions is crucial for achieving your objectives.

How do tools work?
Generative AI systems generate outputs based on the quality of the prompts they receive. Prompt engineering helps these models comprehend and respond to queries effectively.

When given a prompt, an AI model leverages patterns learned during training to generate a response relevant to the input. This process, called inference, computes the probabilities of various word sequences and correlations based on the prompt and training data.

The basic rule is that good prompts equal good results
Most of the Generative AI tools that we use today like ChatGPT, Gemini, Co-pilot, etc have issued guides to get the maximum output. But most of us do not like to go through those long documents. But considering we all aspire to create compelling content and increase engagement on social media, it’s essential to maximize our productivity.

Here are some tips: 

#Tip 1 : Dont leave it up to the model to guess what you mean 

Your AI tool is like your friend, the more you give, the better it will support. The more you share, and pour your heart, it will give you back.

Articulate what you need, for example, you want to create a post for LinkedIn on 
“How to manage failure”

How many times you have come across such posts and just scrolled down?  Do you think among thousands of posts being posted on LinkedIn, do you think such content will fly with the readers?

Now let’s take the same example with a better prompt –

“ I want to create a LinkedIn post – “How to manage failure” Since people find those posts interesting that narrate personal experiences, I would want the post to include my experience and give a personal touch: I am a marketing professional, many times when we develop a marketing campaign, we put our heart and soul to that campaign, work day and night. Sometimes our campaign fails, it does not work with the target audience. Such failures lead to demotivation, but then one needs to move ahead. Managing failure is essential to keep yourself motivated. Keep the post ‘short’, create a powerful post that would inspire the readers.

Now see the result: 

But we need to know we have to do our basic content creation to AI models. 

Creating AI prompts requires careful consideration to ensure the resulting output matches the desired result.

#Tip2: Don’t expect the AI to give the best result in one go

Keep refining your prompts for better outcomes. If your initial request doesn’t yield the desired result, provide more specific instructions to guide the AI.

Maybe something like this
“I don’t want the post to be targeted for marketing professionals, this is for everyone. Insert some call for thoughts so that people can share their experiences and thoughts”

See the result below: 

#Tip3: Using the right prompts, AI tools are efficient enough to develop content in your tone of voice

Your tone of voice is different. Your tone of voice is important. If you regularly create posts on social media, your followers, colleagues and connections connect you with that tonality. ChatGPT or any other tool will not be able to produce that unless you do not specifically ask it to do so. 

Go to ChatGPT and use the prompt ‘Can you define a tone of voice based on the text below? + Copy-paste the text of the first content piece, and hit enter. 

Tip3: Utilizing the right prompts, AI tools can efficiently craft content in your unique tone of voice.

Your tone of voice is distinctive and crucial. Whether you’re engaging with followers on social media or communicating with colleagues and connections, your tone sets you apart. However, it’s important to recognize that tools like ChatGPT or others won’t naturally replicate your tone unless specifically instructed to do so.

To demonstrate, I’ll guide you through the process:

Navigate to ChatGPT
Use the prompt ‘Can you define a tone of voice based on the text below?’.
Copy and paste the text from the first content piece provided. Hit enter and observe how ChatGPT adjusts the post to match your unique tone.

In the following prompt, I’ve provided my LinkedIn post and instructed ChatGPT to edit the earlier content it has produced to match my tone of voice.

See the result below: 

#Tip4:  AI tools might be excited about emojis, but you might not be

How many times do we come across posts loaded with emojis? It’s true, that emojis can inject personality and excitement into content, catching the eye and conveying emotions in a way that words sometimes can’t. Yet, not everyone is enamoured with their abundance.

Imagine scrolling through your feed and stumbling upon a post from a reputed company, only to find it littered with emojis. While they may aim to engage and entertain, for some, they can come across as unprofessional or even off-putting.

So, while emojis can undoubtedly enhance our online interactions, it’s essential to strike a balance. Consider your audience, your message, and your identity.

Use specific instructions in your prompts to get better results

Mastering Prompts can land you in a new career option

Mastering prompts isn’t just about creating engaging posts for platforms like LinkedIn or X anymore. It’s opening doors to a whole new career path. Companies in various sectors are realizing the importance of crafting precise prompts to make the most of AI tools.

Prompt engineers, also called AI prompt engineers or LLM prompt engineers, are in high demand. They’re responsible for creating tailored prompts and ensuring that AI-generated content meets specific goals. They also consider ethics, cultural sensitivity, and bias to ensure the content remains accurate and ethical.

With organizations increasingly relying on AI for complex tasks, prompt engineers play a crucial role in integrating AI prompts into software. They work closely with teams from different departments and help incorporate AI chatbots into workflows. It’s a career filled with opportunities for innovation and growth, where your skills can shape the future of AI-driven technologies.


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